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Mike Sager is the Founder and Principal of Light Years Technologies. Light Years Technologies does boutique technology and cybersecurity consulting with a focus on the progressive political space.


For 6 years Mike served as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for EMILYs List, overseeing cybersecurity, technology infrastructure, and data and software development. Mike joined EMILYs List in 2017 as CTO, adding the CISO role in 2020. As one of the leading cybersecurity advocates in the political space, Mike was a contributing author of the 2020 Google Digital Security & U.S. Political Campaigns Expert Roundtable, and has spoken to national publications including Time about cybersecurity issues.


Prior to EMILYs List, Mike led analytics software development at Burson-Marsteller, was the Political Technology Director at the AFL-CIO during the 2012 cycle, designed digital products at NGPVAN, and was the administrator of the national voter file at the DNC in 2008.


Mike lives in Northern Virginia with his wife, daughters, and dog. Mike is an amateur chef, jangle pop guitarist, and a diehard fan of both the Washington Nationals and the band The National.

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